Niamh Middleton Blog
How the Medieval Female Mystics Loved Like Jesus and Paved the Way for Women in the Church
Throughout history, the role of women in the church has been a topic of deep discussion and transformation. Medieval female mystics played a significant role

Lydia’s Pioneering Leadership: The Influence of Early Church Women and the Gospel Spread
Women were central to spreading the gospel and building early Christian communities. Take Lydia, for example — a savvy businesswoman who turned her home into

The Fall, Patriarchy, and Jesus’ Treatment of Women
Did you know that patriarchy — the social system in which men hold positions of dominance and privilege — is a result of the Fall

Why Is There Sexism in the Bible?
Are you curious about the existence of sexism in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament? Read on to learn why God allowed

Honoring Moms: The Key to Church Growth
It’s a sight that’s familiar in churches across the globe: Moms, with children in tow, fill the pews on a Sunday morning. They are the

How Women Can Regain Their Early Church Status
Women have been marginalized and oppressed for far too long, denied equal status and opportunities in society and even within religious institutions. But it doesn’t

The Dignity and Personhood of Women Through the Eyes of Jesus
Have you ever wondered how Jesus perceived and treated women during His time on Earth? In a society where women were often marginalized and

Princess Diana and Mother Teresa: A Testament to Female Solidarity, Love, and Compassion
In a world where women are often categorized as either “good” girls or “bad” girls, two iconic figures stood tall, embodying the essence of love,

The Truth Behind the SBC Controversy About Women as Pastors
The role of women in religious leadership has always been a subject of intense debate and controversy. The topic has sparked conversations and divisions within

What Two Marys in the Bible Tell Us About the Portrayal of Women
There are a few different Marys in the Bible. To understand the portrayal of women in Biblical times and its impact today, we’ll need

The Role of Evolutionary Biology and Gender Inequality in the Bible
Whereas Christians once rejected Darwin’s theory of evolution because it seemed to present a seismic challenge to the creation account, such is no longer the

Should a Man Rule over a Woman According to the Bible?
Do you struggle with understanding gender roles and equality according to the Bible? Are you asking questions like, should a man rule over a woman?

What Does the Bible Say About Equality?
What does the Bible say about equality? We know women everywhere have been fighting for equality since the late 1700s. Significantly, a women’s rights

Jesus and the Woman Caught in Adultery: Understanding Jesus’ Radical Response
The story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery is found in John 8. “In this scene Jesus is teaching in the temple when

What Does Proverbs 31 Really Mean for Women?
Proverbs 31 is a well-known and quoted text, particularly in reference to verses 10-31. Also known as “Ode to a Capable Wife,” the second half

Christianity and Feminism: Understanding What the Bible Says About Feminism
What does the Bible say about feminism? Because the teachings of Christianity have been traditionally male-dominated, it leads some to wonder whether Biblical scriptures align

Women and the Church: Understanding What the Bible Says About Female Leadership
Many people seek to find biblically-sound answers to questions about the relationship between women and the church. Can a woman be a pastor? What does

Jesus and Women: Understanding What the Bible Says About Women
Have you ever wondered what Jesus thinks about women? Or what the Bible really says about women? Whether you’re a woman seeking to learn more
A link to a Global Woman article based on my book: Princess Diana: The First #MeToo Martyr
Princess Diana: The First #MeToo Martyr”
Jesus and Women: Beyond Feminism and Women 1.mp4

The cover of my new book Jesus and Women: Beyond Feminism
In my new book, due for publication on 28th October, I combine careful and detailed biblical exegesis with insights from evolutionary biology, feminism and the

In this week’s edition of The Church of England Newspaper
Below is a screenshot of my latest article in The Church of England Newspaper. It’s based on my upcoming new book, Jesus and Women: Beyond
Does Evolutionary History Match the Genesis Story? Here is a link to a YouTube discussion I did with Stuart Knechtle and his dad Cliffe, pastors of the Grace Community Church in
My recent Church of England Newspaper Column on how the evolutionary account of human origins can be mapped on to the Genesis account.Who Were Adam and Eve?
One of the reasons why Darwin encountered so much opposition from Christianity when he published On the Origin of Species in 1859 was evolution’s seeming negation

A Catholic Evolutionist and a Catholic Creationist Debate Theistic Evolution
I’m the Catholic evolutionist, and Rick DeLano the creationist. Rick is a film producer, and the debate is part of the publicity campaign for his
Interview on Unbelievable: does evolution match up with Genesis?
Here’s a link to Premier Christian radio’s Unbelievable show, where myself and Andrew Parker, author of The Genesis Enigma, were interviewed by Justin Brierley on
Wake Up Call, Tuesday, July 30th 2019 | YES FM
Direct Download Direct Download http://momsinprayer. — Read on My book interview on US station Yes FM. Listen, enjoy, comment!

Evolutionary Biology and the Problem of Evil
My latest article for the Church of England Newspaper which contextualises my book within the literature generally.
My Interview on Pro Christian Evolution, with Bruce Davis
Book News: How I Came to Write the Book. Hallel’s Q&A
How Jesus’ Attitude Toward #Women Defied Cultural Norms
Click on the twitter link below and it will lead you on to the article in Charisma magazine, which is based on a new
Book News: My Radio Interview for The John Clemens Report
Science and Religion: The Dangers of False Dualism
A screenshot of my latest article for the Church of England Newspaper
Homo Lapsus Book News
Two articles I wrote have been published in Christian Today and The London Economic based on my new book Homo Lapsus, which was released yesterday,
Season’s Greetings
Happy Christmas to all my friends and followers on Twitter. A special hello to my Christian friends. I am looking forward to sending copies of
My Thoughts on the Mary McAleese Affair
As a theologian I found myself particularly interested in Mary McAleese’s statement about the hierarchy having reduced Christ “to this rather unattractive politician who is
Religious Indoctrination Irish Style (Part 2)
If you read part 1 here’s part 2 So what exactly is religious indoctrination? Well first of all it’s important to note that such a
My Take on the Stephen Fry/Blasphemy Affair
I happened to see the controversial “Meaning of Life” programme in which Stephen Fry went on a rant about the nature of God. His rebellion was

The Dual Face of Western Christianity: Is the Church of Jesus Christ Gradually Defeating the Roman Empire?
Please be aware that this is an opinion piece which takes an informed but personal view of the historical progress of Christianity and which is
For International Women’s Day: More Confessions Of a Politically Incorrect Feminist Theologian
As I explained in previous posts, the difficulties involved in being a feminist in a religious, patriarchal environment can at times seem insurmountable. And,

What We Can Learn From The Cologne Incident: Political Feminism Is Vindicated, and Religion is Highly Relevant to Culture
‘ The mass sexual assaults in Cologne by North African migrants have elicited criticisms of the relatively muted reaction by feminists. The sound of
2015 in review
The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This
Confessions of a Politically Incorrect Feminist Theologian (1)
Faith and Feminism Can Make Strange Bedfellows Published in On Religion Magazine Issue 12, Autumn 2015 Twitter: @OnReligionMag As someone who was
It’s Not as Bad as You Think: Women in Catholicism
Source: It’s Not as Bad as You Think: Women in Catholicism
It’s Not as Bad as You Think: Women in Catholicism
It’s Not as Bad as You Think: Women in Catholicism The discovery of blogs and blogging has opened up a whole new world for women
Non-Religious Women in the Church: In my last post I mentioned that, as a feminist theologian, I often find myself between a rock and a hard place. The same could be said of all or most women who spend a significant amount of time within an environment where male power and authority are even more pervasive than in the secular world.
However, female theologians from the secular sphere face their own particular challenges, and these challenges are both new and unique in the context of Church

The X Factor Pope
When I read in the New York Times that Rolling Stone magazine had premiered a pop/rock track from an album to be released shortly by
The Confederate Flag and the Fight to End Racism
If you don’t understand the interconnections between all forms of prejudice, if you don’t understand what ‘white privilege’ means, you will when you read this.
Marriage Equality, Pope Francis and Mary McAleese
The resounding ‘yes’ to marriage equality that resulted from Ireland’s referendum on the subject has provoked a great deal of comment, much of it on
The Surrogacy Red Herring: Referendum on Marriage Equality
She Needs Her Mother For Life, Not Just For Nine Months Why is the the ‘No’ side in the marriage equality referendum obscuring the real
Piers, Madonna and the Double Standard and Feminism After Madonna’s scary and dangerous fall at the recent Brit awards, Piers Morgan wrote an uncomplimentary article entitled “Falling off
Mary Magdalene: The Most Misunderstood Woman in History?
Up until the 1960s, Mary Magdalene was officially a ‘sinful woman’ in Roman Catholicism. In twentieth century Ireland, for example, homes for unmarried mothers were
After the Hooley is Over: Reflecting On Paddy’s Day
When St. Patrick set about converting them, the Irish took to Christianity like ducks to water. They have stayed true to their religion through good

Mary Mary Quite Contrary: McAleese is Right Again
Ireland’s ex-president Mary McAleese said, in relation to preliminary discussions for the upcoming Synod on the family, that it was ‘bonkers’ for such weighty matters

Sequana and Blessed Water by Deanne Quarrie
For all who protested over the water charges in Ireland……
Mary McAleese, former President of Ireland, said that a synod on the family composed primarily of celibate males was ‘bonkers’. The preliminary discussions ended in

Pope Francis’s Task
As Pope Francis prepares for the upcoming and crucial synod on the family which must deal with such topics as divorce, contraception and same sex

Whose God is it, Anyway? by Esther Nelson
Brilliant, yet common sense insights into how religion can breed intolerance and persecution when it’s practitioners feel that their way and only theirs is the
Mary Magdalene: The Most Misunderstood Woman in History?
Up until the 1960s, Mary Magdalene was officially a ‘sinful woman’ in Roman Catholicism. In twentieth century Ireland, for example, homes for unmarried mothers were
Non-Religious Women in the Church: In my last post I mentioned that, as a feminist theologian, I often find myself between a rock and a hard place. The same could be said of all or most women who spend a significant amount of time within an environment where male power and authority are even more pervasive than in the secular world.
However, female theologians from the secular sphere face their own particular challenges, and these challenges are both new and unique in the context of Church
- Catholic Church (7)
- Celtic Mysticism (1)
- Christianity and Islam (1)
- Feminist Theology (22)
- Marriage Equality (4)
- Multiculturalism (1)
- Political Correctness (5)
- Pope Francis (1)
- Surrogacy (1)
- The Future of Christianity (12)
- Uncategorised (27)
- Uncategorized (19)
- Women and religious authority (14)
- X Factor (1)